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Advent Study with Louise Rogers

Mondays, November 30, December 7, 14, 21 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. Zoom Join Louise Rogers for a Zoom study of Adam Hamilton's Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas. During the time together we will watch a brief video followed by discussion. Although the Christmas story is familiar, this will deepen our faith and joy. Zoom link: u…

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Children's & Family Ministry Fall Highlights

JAM (Jesus and Me) JAM has been meeting since September 2 with a kick-off celebration on August 19. We average 16 to 18 kids on Wednesdays and we have 22 kids registered. A few children have even brought a friend. We are thankful for this faith formation program during these uncertain times. The children and teachers alike enjoy learning and growing together in our walk with the Lord. It thrills…

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WECEP Halloween Fun

There is always something fun happening at Westminster Early Childhood Education Programs (WECEP). As to be expected, we had a busy end to October. Our hallways were filled with pirates, princess, superheroes, and even Shaggy and Scooby Doo. The Child Development Center began their Halloween celebrations with a Trunk or Treat on Saturday followed by a fun day of classroom parties. The Nursery…

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Zumba Livestream from the WROC

Join us from the comfort of your home! The WROC will now use the same technology used for livestreaming worship services to livestream Zumba classes. Zumba is a fusion of Latin and international music – dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system! Zumba combines high energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow the participants to dance away t…

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Welcome New Members

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer....They continued to meet together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all people. And the Lord added to their number daily… – Acts 2:46-47 Welcome to the following new members, who were received into membership at Westminster in October. Emily Hof…

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Words from Your Property Chair

Our Forward in Faith capital campaign was launched over two years ago. The following report summarizes progress on the property portion of this campaign during the past year and plans for the near future. In January of 2020, after an unavoidably long delay, active contract awarding for property projects was started. Then COVID-19 happened in March, and it became difficult to receive bids and have…

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Treasures for Troops -- A Generous Response

The Deacons held their annual Treasures for Troops collection the week of October 11-18. The event kicked off with a drive-by collection on Sunday afternoon and followed with donations collected throughout the week at the church. The collection boxes were filled each day with an assortment of items for our troops. We proudly delivered two carloads of goods to Operation Troop Appreciation, as…

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