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A Covenant Between Westminster and the Endowment & Special Gifts Fund

By Rob Wagner, Past Chair Deborah Waller, Chair God made a covenant to Abraham that he and generations to follow would receive great blessings. Westminster's Endowment is a form of a generational covenant from our "Westminster ancestors" meant to bless our church well into the future. In 2019, Westminster was faced with very difficult decisions relating to financial malfeasance from our…

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Deacons Called to Serve

By Alecia Klonicke Moderator, Board of Deacons “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10-11 This Bible passage is perfect to describe the Deacons at Westminster, a group of people of all different ages, abilities, strengths, backgrounds, and beliefs that have been called to serve our congr…

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Embrace Westminster

By Brian Eccher On Wednesday, December 13, Westminster held the first "A Quiet Christmas," which promised a time to slow down and reflect amidst the frenzy of the holiday season. As my wife and I entered the candlelit sanctuary for the service, my mind was still decompressing from the workday and we took our seats near the aisle. I had volunteered for a reading, assumed the spot at the…

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Find Your "Street MOMs"

By Mary Zora Although I have often used this phrase, it now has more of a profound meaning as I support and pray for individuals who wake up each morning in temporary or inadequate housing. The Bible recognizes that some people have experienced terrible trauma and hardships, even to the point of becoming destitute. Luke 14:13-14: “When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, t…

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From the Office of Jo Forrest

By Jo Forrest Remember the sacred, childhood promises you sealed with a pinky swear? Or maybe you cut your finger and exchanged red droplets to be blood siblings. Eww. In college, perhaps you publicized your romance by exchanging fraternity lavaliers and pins or you might let a sweetheart wear your letter jacket. Later, we sealed commitments with rings. From our earliest days, we craft…

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Molded in the Hands of a Loving God

By Faith Kemmler Reaching into the dust of the earth, God began shaping humanity. Satisfied with this new creation, God brought us to life with God’s own breath. Enlivened through the breath of God, humanity came into being. Not just alive, but alive to having needs. Alive to a life inseparable from God. From dust we have come, And to dust we shall return, Always in the hands of a loving G…

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My Covenant Life

By Sara Kyle Sara is the editor of the Spire and organizer of the Westminster Seminars The meaning of covenant in Old Testament stories was puzzling to me as a child in Sunday school. But in 1965 I saw “covenant” grow to embrace a different way of learning and living. The Covenant Life Curriculum came to our Presbyterian church, and Sunday school became exciting. Covenant Life was divided into thr…

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MyWPC - Connecting at Westminster

By Anna Hiner Membership & Communications Coordinator When I started working at Westminster in 2006, we were on the cutting edge of, well, 2006. We printed newsletters on different colored paper using cutesy clipart; we created mailing labels in Word documents; and WROC classes were announced quarterly via a printed catalog of classes. The staff had a database of church members that we…

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