The Spire Online

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Session Highlights, 2021 Commission Assignments

The 624th meeting of Westminster’s session was held on January 18 via Zoom. A summary of the substantive discussion that evening include: Westminster’s financial condition with respect to the operating budget for 2021 was reviewed and approved. Various elders commended members of this commission for their engagement in other commissions to provide transparent information and guidance. The Ste…

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Per Capita Reminder and Offering Envelopes

UPDATE FOR 2022: The per capita amount set by Pittsburgh Presbytery for 2022 is $37.50. Please remember to forward your 2021 per capita apportionment to the church finance office. The amount set by Pittsburgh Presbytery for 2021 is $34.79 per member. Each year Westminster must send the amount set for the year to the presbytery for each active member of our church. For those members who do not…

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Easter Giving

Due to the unprecedented times and the many variables we currently are dealing with, only a few Easter flowers will be required to decorate the sanctuary this year. The Chancel Guild and Deacons have joined forces to decorate the sanctuary and help individuals in need during these difficult times. If you wish to contribute to the memory or honor of a loved one, you may do so by completing the…

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Message from Jo Forrest -- January 2021

Years ago, at REI Co-op, a store that sells anything from bicycles to hiking equipment to snowshoes, one of their salesclerks helped me buy socks. Seriously, how hard can it be to buy socks? But standing amidst row upon row of socks for all variety of outdoor and casual adventure, I felt lost. Socks can be expensive and selecting the wrong pair can literally derail your day. This salesclerk spoke…

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Deacons Dive into the New Year

At Westminster Church we are blessed with a remarkable group of men and women dedicated to serving the members and wider community – the Board of Deacons! Following the tradition of the original deacons found in the New Testament, our deacons serve the congregation by caring for the hurting, friendless, grieving, and lonely. For the larger community, they have raised funds to support ministries d…

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Westminster Seminars Online -- January 2021

January Series Disparities, Justice, and Loving All Our Neighbors The seminars begin the new year with a focus on how we can better understand the realities and challenges of working toward justice for all. What are the realities, especially in health? What is the history that created these realities? How can we as the church come to terms with loving all our neighbors? How can we meet the…

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Between Here and There -- January 2021

If you’ve read my articles over the past several months, then you’ll be aware that I often like to look at two sides of a coin, and that is, once again, where I find myself. Are things about to change or will they carry on as they ever have? I’m not talking about vaccines, presidents, or even pastors – I’m talking about faith, ministry, and the ways that we, as a community, seek out the care of one anoth…

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