The Spire Online

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Virtual Sunday School

Children’s & Family Ministry initiated virtual Sunday school using Zoom for Advent 2020. We are grateful for the Sunday school teacher volunteers who helped us make this happen: Lindsay Carter, Beth Ketterman, and Kelsey O’Leary. Virtual Sunday school during Advent consisted of a Bible topic and story, lighting the Advent candles, music and singing, scripture verse, game, and a prayer. The chi…

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WROC Fitness -- February 2021

Support your spirit, mind, and body with WROC fitness classes! As winter collides with the ongoing coronavirus battle, we can easily find ourselves bored, lonely, and frustrated. Exercise is one of the best things we can do to help develop the coping skills we need as we head down the final stretch of the pandemic. Participation in an exercise program, either in person or virtually, can help…

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SPIRIT -- Silence for Our Lives

"As I grow older, I discover more and more that the greatest gift I have to offer is my own joy of living, my own inner peace, my own silence and solitude, my own sense of well-being. When I ask myself, 'Who helps me the most?' I must answer, 'The one who is willing to share his or her life with me.’" — Henri Nouwen

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Writers of Westminster Update

The Writers of Westminster have made a $2,000 contribution to the church's endowment fund in memory of Art Humphreys, one of the group's original members. WOW sold out all 220 printed copies of their Christmas book, Somewhere Under the Rainbow, and have $300 remaining in their account toward their next book. The group, averaging between 12 and 20 writers at any given meeting, has been active for…

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Westminster Deacons Blood Drive

Sunday, February 21 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Westminster Deacons are hosting their first blood drive of the year on Sunday, February 21. We invite everyone in the congregation who is 18 and over to consider donating for this worthy cause. Our doors are also open to the community, and we welcome additional donors for this event. The Westminster Deacons thank you for your continuing s…

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Session Highlights, 2021 Commission Assignments

The 624th meeting of Westminster’s session was held on January 18 via Zoom. A summary of the substantive discussion that evening include: Westminster’s financial condition with respect to the operating budget for 2021 was reviewed and approved. Various elders commended members of this commission for their engagement in other commissions to provide transparent information and guidance. The Ste…

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Per Capita Reminder and Offering Envelopes

UPDATE FOR 2022: The per capita amount set by Pittsburgh Presbytery for 2022 is $37.50. Please remember to forward your 2021 per capita apportionment to the church finance office. The amount set by Pittsburgh Presbytery for 2021 is $34.79 per member. Each year Westminster must send the amount set for the year to the presbytery for each active member of our church. For those members who do not…

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Easter Giving

Due to the unprecedented times and the many variables we currently are dealing with, only a few Easter flowers will be required to decorate the sanctuary this year. The Chancel Guild and Deacons have joined forces to decorate the sanctuary and help individuals in need during these difficult times. If you wish to contribute to the memory or honor of a loved one, you may do so by completing the…

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