March 9, 2021

The Widow’s Gift

Now He looked up and saw the wealthy putting their gifts into the temple treasury. And He saw a poor widow putting in two lepta coins. And He said, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them; for they all contributed to the offering from their surplus; but she, from her poverty, put in all that she had to live on.”

-- Luke 21:1-4

My children are now 11 and 8 years old.

At this age, they’re generally more interested in spending time with friends than with their mom. So I truly delight in the moments when they choose time with me, especially when they pick me first (and not simply because they’ve already exhausted all other things to do). Similarly, I imagine that God delights in the times when we choose to give God our time and resources. But as Jesus points out, God wants more than our surplus. In the same way that I’ll always be willing to play with my boys (even when I’m just getting their leftover time), I feel sure that God is always available. But I suspect God truly rejoices when we give him our First. Our Best. Our Only. Not because God is a demanding task master, but because it means we’ve chosen God.

Over all the things clamoring for our attention, we picked Him first. First to receive our time. First to receive our financial gifts. First to receive our talents. Because God knows that picking Him first requires a sacrifice. And an act of sacrifice is an act of love. God always loves us. That is Truth. When we choose to actively love God back, that Truth becomes a relationship. And we all know the beauty that grows out of relationship.

--Megan Exley

Everyone has gifts to share. How do we invite the people to share their gifts in ways that are life giving and not exploitive?
How do you decide what is faithful to give to the church? Charity? Individuals?

Jesus, we gather around you and ask to hear what you want to teach us today. Who do you want us to notice? Help us to give faithfully no matter our circumstances. Help us to see both rich and poor through your eyes and with your compassion. Amen.


Wednesdays @ Westminster
