December 2016

In this issue:
On Being Connected
Christmas Eve Services
Westminster Seminars: Designing Your Biblical Passport at Advent
Diary of a Lunatic: Present
Between Here and There
Glimpse of My World
Bibles in October
Unfettered: Imagination Rekindled
Christmas Remembrance
Music & Arts upcoming events
Pet Remembrance
Westminster at 70: An Informal History of the Chancel Choir
and more

November 2016

In this issue:
Human Nature
Thanks Be to God
Westminster Seminars: Love and Connection
Diary of a Lunatic: Aftermath
Between Here and There
Glimpse of My World
Unfettered: Who Is My Neighbor
Fall Rummage-Recycling Sale
Music & Arts upcoming events
Spotlight on Fitness at the WROC
Westminster at 70: Worldwide Westminster
and more

October 2016

In this issue:
Being Church
World Communion Sunday
Westminster Seminars: J.S. Bach
Reformation Sunday 2016
Diary of a Lunatic: How I Spent My Summer Sabbatical
Between Here and There
Unfettered: Who Am I? Who Is God?
Spiritual Growth opportunities
Pet Ministry events
Westminster at 70
Grief Recovery Group
and more

September 2016

In this issue:
This Far by Grace ...
Taste & See Weekend
Westminster Seminars: Fall Preview
Spiritual Growth opportunities
Music & Arts Series September events
The Gallery at Westminster: Introducing the Permanent Collection
Deacons Fundraiser September 24
Westminster at 70
and more

June 2016

In this issue:
Ten Years Together
Being an Outward Focused Church
Westminster Seminars: Summer Series
Diary of a Lunatic: How I'll Spend My Summer Vacation
Between Here and There
Glimpse of My World: The Stories You Won't Find in the Bible
Unfettered: On Being Mary and Martha
Westminster Organ Summer
and more