March 23, 2021

The Precious Ointment

Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very expensive perfume, and she poured it on His head as He was reclining at the table.

-- Matthew 26:6-7

“Why would Mary do that?”

That was my first thought when I read this passage in Matthew. John’s gospel informs us that this perfume was worth a WHOLE YEAR’S WAGES. So why would Mary waste it? If I had been sitting at that table I would have been thinking of hundreds of better uses for the perfume according to my own selfish needs. I would have reacted with indignation when Mary poured it out, just as Jesus’ disciples reacted.

Mary was not thinking from a selfish perspective. Mary’s faith was strong; she believed Jesus was the Son of God and she was preparing for His burial. What an act of faith! Mary was thinking of Jesus’ needs, not her own. Mary’s devotion is in sharp contrast to Judas’ upcoming betrayal of Jesus.

All the disciples were seated with Jesus, but truly Mary’s heart was “at the table” with Him. Every day we find ourselves “at the table” with our families, those we work with, strangers we pass. Every single person we interact with is a child of God. Are we really present, as Mary was? Or are we thinking of our own selfish desires, close-minded in our perspective of “what is best for me.”

To worship Christ is to be willing to sacrifice to Him that which is most precious to us, just as Mary did in this passage. I pray for a faith as strong as Mary’s, and to serve all those I meet by being present and grateful for the blessing of being with a fellow child of God.

-- Steve Daniele

Have you ever participated in discussions about what is faithful to spend on what?
How do you make decisions about finances?
What do you hold back from Jesus?

Jesus you remember. You remember us. You remember us even when we forget you. Thanks be to God. Amen.


Wednesdays @ Westminster
