Westminster's Outreach Commission Helps Hope Bloom in Every Season

In the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2022, Westminster’s Outreach Commission has planted seeds of faith with the congregation to share God’s love with others. Here are a few highlights from 2022.


On February 6 a Racial Wealth Gap Simulation, presented by Westminster’s Peace and Justice Team, made us aware of how to live with justice for all of God’s people. The Sunday afternoon event was well attended with 51 participants.

In Malawi, Maoni Orphan Care continues to offer daycare for hundreds of orphaned children. Below is a picture of many of the children who receive care thanks to your generous donations.


On Palm Sunday, April 10, the Pocket Change Project and A Haiti Child Sponsorship Celebration brought great joy to Westminster! Fourteen new sponsors committed to support 15 students at La Croix New Testament Mission in Haiti, bringing the number of children sponsored to 82.

On Palm Sunday it has become a tradition that the Cherub Choir takes the Pocket Change Project collection for Haitian children in their tin buckets, making a joyful noise during each worship service.


Gilfillan SHIM Garden – Starting in April, the Gilfillan garden was lovingly tended each Monday morning by a team of dedicated gardeners. The bounty from the garden fed many with nutritious produce all summer long.

Cupcake Baking Event – On July 13, 14 teen and adult volunteers mixed, baked, and frosted 385 cupcakes in the Westminster kitchen in a little less than two hours.


SHIM Food Collection – On a cold and rainy September 25 a ton of food was dropped off at Westminster during morning worship and then taken to SHIM the following day to fill their food pantry.

On September 27 a refugee family was welcomed by the Westminster Refugee Resettlement Project Team. Twenty-seven team members have been actively welcoming and supporting a lovely family of seven from the Middle East.

Westminster has committed to helping the family navigate details surrounding furnishing a house, getting medical care, enrolling the children in school, arranging English ESL classes for the parents, cultural orientation, helping with employment, etc. The work is intense but very rewarding. At right is a picture of the installation of a donated washer and dryer that was gratefully accepted, and needed, by the family.

Rebuilding Together is an organization that refurbishes homes in Homewood. A team from Westminster Church traveled to Homewood in October to provide hands-on assistance. In Homewood 75% of adults and 66% of children live in poverty. The team painted and installed new doors and flooring along with other repairs.

It is a very exciting time to be a part of what God is doing through Westminster. Hope appears to be blooming everywhere!