Jesus Is the Reason for the Season

All children love Christmas! The magic of the holidays – the decorations, getting together with family and friends, parties, presents, and of course Santa. Our WECEP children are no exception, and December is full of fun activities. But for us, the “real” reason for celebrating is because it’s Jesus’ birthday. And how does one celebrate a birthday – with a party!

Every December we have a Happy Birthday Jesus party. Each WNSK and CDC class gets a visit from a WECEP board member, who reads the Christmas story and brings a specially decorated birthday cake. The children all sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus and blow out the candles, and of course the snack for the day is a piece of birthday cake. It has become a very special tradition that everyone enjoys.

The WECEP curriculum has several goals that the program strives to work toward, the usual ones of physical, emotional, social, and academic development. But we have another goal which we feel has equal importance, and that is spiritual.

We are proud to be a Christian program with many Christian activities throughout the year. We model Christian behavior and say a prayer before snack and celebrate the Christian holidays. There is Bible Time each month and the staff often tells Bible stories.

Our celebration of Happy Birthday Jesus is one of the best events.