
Throughout my childhood years, church was my favorite place to be. I loved showing up to Sunday school to be greeted by my teachers each week and running into the sanctuary with my friends before splitting up to sit with our parents for worship. When my parents had meetings, my siblings and I would explore the building, learning all of the “shortcuts” and rooms and tucked away spaces. I was the kid who read the announcements in the bulletin so I could remind my mom throughout the week of all the opportunities we had to go to church events.

For me, church has been a place where I felt safe, comfortable, and able to be myself. Church has been a home.

Beyond the familiarity and comfort of the physical church building, church became a home because of the people I encountered there. I experienced God’s love firsthand through the ushers who greeted me week after week and the volunteers and teachers who showed interest in my life and activities.

My church family grew as I made friends from different schools. To be at church meant to be known and loved and safe and cared for. To be at church meant to be at home.

As I’ve ventured into ministry, I have been blessed to be welcomed into new church homes and to play a part in cultivating safe, loving spaces for children to find a home in church. Whether at JAM or Sunday school, worship or choir, Wednesday Food & Fellowship or special events, where do you find your home at Westminster? Where do your children find their home here? Where does your family feel at home in the life of the church? My hope is that through our staff and volunteers your family will find a place of welcome, safety, and love. A place where you can be yourself. A church home.

– Faith Kemmler, Director of Children’s & Family Ministry