Is your faith worth it?

Let’s play a little bit of catch-up here. For people who are working through the stages of faith, and have navigated to this point, here are some things that we have established. First, I can trust God; he is active and present in my life even when things don’t seem perfect. Second, I have learned that my choices and actions have weight and value in the Kingdom of Christ –my personality, complete with …

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What are you capable of?

If you’ve spent any time in Christian circles, you’ve likely heard the question, “Have you asked Jesus into your heart?” It’s an easy way of inquiring about the complexities of beginning a life of devotion to and relationship with Jesus. I made this decision the summer before my freshman year of high school, and to be honest, very little changed. I think this is the case for lots of us. We have an emotio…

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Do your actions matter?

In Richard Foster’s book, Life With God, he posits that one of The Bible’s major thematic threads is God’s message to His people, “I am with you. Will you be with me?” Each of us is, in one form or another, answering this question several times each day. We answer “yes” when we open ourselves to the eternal love and grace of God, living as disciples of Christ. We answer “no” when we reject the love found in Chr…

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Can You Trust God?

A few years into my time working with the students and families at Westminster, something amazing happened. People began to trust me. Suddenly more students were asking, “Hey, can we talk for a second?” and more parents were calling with questions like, “How do you think my son is doing?” It was the kind of ministry I loved doing more than any other. After just a few months I realized one very importa…

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Wisdom's Children

Jesus is a lot to handle sometimes. Bold doesn’t begin to cover it. In the seventh chapter of Luke’s gospel he has an interaction with the crowd in which he essentially tells them, “You people are impossible to please!” He speaks briefly about their issues with John the Baptist, and also their issues with himself, then he says this line, “But wisdom is proved right by all her children.” Heavily weighted wo…

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