Waterproof Phones

I had an interesting conversation with a few friends the other day about the addition of water-resistance to newer model cell phones. All of us thought it to be a reasonable inclusion in a new product, but for different reasons. Some saw the benefit the new feature would bring in damage prevention from accidents (drops in puddles, spilled drinks, etc…) while others thought the benefit was in the n…

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The Apple and The Tree, The Tree and the Orchard

Early in my education as a counselor I was taught about family patterns – the notion that we can (at minimum) gain some insight into what may be happening in our lives by looking at our family history. Disease, mental health, addiction – we all know that these things have genetic links that tie us to our parents, grandparents, and even further. However, we often overlook the fact that family pat…

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When you hit the ground make sure you bounce

I’ve worked with students, mostly teenagers, for more than a decade now, and I still remember an experience of one of my very first weeks on the job. I was a first time counselor at Pine Springs Camp in the Laurel Highlands, and I was working with a cabin of young campers – most of them something like 6 years old. One morning as we were getting ready for the day’s events, one of our campers ran full …

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Fathers Be Good to Your Daughters

Shortly after my second daughter was born I embarked on a casual, but lifelong project. It goes without saying that, having never been one myself, I have very little insight on what it means to be a daughter. That said, I now find myself with a deeply vested interest in successfully raising two. Since I’m fortunate to know many happy, healthy and well-adjusted women of all ages I decided to start a…

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Who do you think you are?

Exactly in line with Erikson’s works, I have found there to be one major “project” of teen’s high school years. That project is answering the question, “who am I?” As Jason eloquently wrote last week, this is a matter of identity formation, and is a psychological priority for teenagers. This stage is something of a nexus of development for youth ministry. Students who have navigated through the first four …

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