Coming attractions!

Greetings friends!

First of all, a great thanks to everyone who's been tuning in and reading along with the blog! We've had three series running right now from Dave Fetterman, Jim Gilchrist, and yours truly, and it's been great to read all of them! Thanks for hanging out!

Starting next week, we're going to kick off three new series:

Ed Sutter is going to be writing a series for parents titled: So, You Want Your Kids to be Amazing, and Why They Already Are!

Cassandra Millis will be doing a word study, looking at several key words in the Bible in the original Greek and Hebrew.

And Will Hignett will be offering up some thoughts on the world from his perspective.

Of course, other thoughts and ideas might break in as well from myself and others. Make sure to subscribe to our blog using RSS (a video will be appearing shortly to show you exactly how to do that) and keep sharing on Facebook!

Your friendly neighborhood blogger,


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