What is Health? (Joan Watson)

When I was asked to write a few entries on health for Westminster’s new blog, I said, sure, I can do that. But very quickly the enormity of what I had agreed to do, temporarily paralyzed the presses in my mind. I recovered by checking the definition of blog—opinions, experiences, observations shared with others on a website. So here you have it—health according to Joan! The most famous modern defin…

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Due (Cassandra Millis)

My senior thesis was due one fateful Saturday at noon. It was 6:00 in the evening the night before, and I had yet to write a single word. By midnight, I was too hyped up on coffee to focus on anything and was lying on the floor of my friend’s dorm room wondering how in the world it was all going to get done, however by 5:30 in the morning I had 17 pages on the impact of James Davenport on the G…

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In our corner (Cassandra Millis)

My dad still comes with me to doctor’s appointments. Not to every appointment; not if I have a cold or need more allergy medicine- but for the big ones, he drives all the way down to Pittsburgh to accompany his 26 year old daughter. It isn’t that he doesn’t think I can handle it myself, that I’m not yet intelligent enough to make my own health decisions or to ask necessary questions or discuss the ful…

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Two Wrongs Don't Make You Righteous (Cassandra Millis)

One can never “overemphasize” our dependence on Christ. A popular way of demonstrating this is simply to go through the Ten Commandments. If I’m completely honest with myself, I break nine of the Ten Commandments every single day (and if it happens to be the Sabbath, all ten.) When Jesus explains the depth of these imperatives, it becomes clear just how easy they are to break. For example, I do no…

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What Would You Pack (Will Hignett)

If you had to evacuate your home in 10 minutes and never return, what items would you take with you? This extremely difficult and emotional decision has been a reality for millions of Syrian refugees and others from war-torn countries. Prized possessions are abandoned. Photo albums are often left behind. When you’re forced to flee for your life, the list of items you can carry becomes very small a…

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