Power Hungry (Cassandra Millis)

“The Pharisees then said to one another, “You see, you can do nothing. Look, the world has gone after him.” John 12:19 The Pharisees don’t get it. They say this after seeing the crowds who swarmed Christ during the “triumphant arrival” in Jerusalem. But Christ doesn’t get his power from people. It’s the other way around. I get where the Pharisees are coming from. They feel threatened. They already lo…

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Too Good To Be True (Cassandra Millis)

Take a second to think of the most annoying people in the world. Drivers who speed down the “South Side Only” lane of the Liberty tunnel during rush hour only to try to merge to the downtown lane right before the bridge. People with far more than 10 items in the 10 items or less line. (And while we’re at it: people who make signs that say 10 items or less when it should be 10 or fewer. Wait what?…

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You Can't Kill Off A Main Character

I found myself in a vicious cycle last night. I was watching a show which continuously ended on a cliff-hanger, and worse for me, a scary one. I didn’t want to go to sleep until the show had a happy resolution so I wouldn’t have nightmares. (I turn 28 in a couple weeks, maybe I’ll be a grow-up then.) So finally, just before 3 am the show came to the very happy conclusion… of killing the main charact…

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Sin is Bad (Cassandra Millis)

Sin is bad. (I’ll accept my award for most innovative theologian now.) This is a benign phrase of Christianity- a foundational remark that righteousness or good is better than sinfulness or evil. We can all (for the most part) agree on that. Sin is bad. But not so much my sin. My sin is justified. You wouldn’t believe how the person I yelled at was acting. If my marriage was more ful…

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A Fine Line (Cassandra Millis)

I don’t mean to start this blog off with a fight but I’m very opposed to tattoos… on me. It isn’t a religious concern, I’ve just had this issue since I was a kid where I really dislike pain. Somehow, for me, it hurts. So, I avoid it. But if there were some way to get a tattoo with no pain, I know what mine would be. The first bit of Romans 12:11 in some fancy font: “Be Not Slothful in Zeal.” Zeal means …

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