Our House of Faith

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”
– Isaiah 56:7

Westminster is a giving congregation in so many ways. We provide worship and spiritual growth, programs and lectures, musical concerts, and many other activities for people of all ages in our building. And we support efforts to bring food, clothing, and many more resources to people in need beyond our congregation. Westminster is a significant symbol within our community. Our doors are open to all. The more we continue to grow, the more we can do and give.

Westminster was founded on a firm vision of faith, commitment, and outreach. By working together, we led this faith community forward with a successful three-year capital campaign. And the fruits of that campaign commitment continue to be realized as we celebrate the completion of Fellowship Hall’s renovation.

Hundreds of people volunteer in and through our church, caring for one another, helping each other grow in faith, and reaching out to serve beyond the congregation. We have been honored to be a part of this Forward in Faith effort, remembering how important the church has been in our own lives, and sharing our stories with others.

Thank you for joining us in moving forward in faith. We are blessed to be a part of this dedicated faith community, our “second home.”

-- Mike & Deborah Lee