In our corner (Cassandra Millis)

My dad still comes with me to doctor’s appointments. Not to every appointment; not if I have a cold or need more allergy medicine- but for the big ones, he drives all the way down to Pittsburgh to accompany his 26 year old daughter. It isn’t that he doesn’t think I can handle it myself, that I’m not yet intelligent enough to make my own health decisions or to ask necessary questions or discuss the ful…

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Open Your Gates

There’s no mistaking it; you are not God. I am not God. Together we are not God. Isaiah 40 tells us that, in the grand scheme of life, you and I are no more than withering grass. That means that at our best, in our finest moments we are green pastures – useful for the respite and nourishment of the Shepherd’s flocks. At our best, we sacrifice ourselves to benefit God’s Kingdom, and by striving for sel…

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Then (the king) said to his slaves, 'The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.' Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both good and bad; so the wedding hall was filled with guests. (Matthew 22:8-10) Jesus was always so fond of parables, of hiding incredibly…

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It looks like winter has begun. I don’t know about you, but I’m really not a fan – there’s really nothing about grey skies, freezing temperatures, snow, icy roads, heavy coats, shoveling and all the rest of it that I enjoy. Personally, I would be quite happy to have warm weather all year round. But I have to say; in our house I hold the minority opinion on this topic, especially during the month of Dece…

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The Timelessness of God's Care

Long ago and far away there lived a people who knew lots of troubles. They lived in a good and prosperous land. Many other far stronger nations wanted to own this land because of its strategic location for trade and security. Alas, these troubled people were constantly attacked, pillaged, conquered, and carted off into exile by one stronger nation after another. The people knew fear, anger,…

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