Coffee and Creation

Every morning has a routine, albeit easily interrupted and rearranged. But for me, the basics are the same. Wake up. Throw on a t-shirt and some gym shorts. Take care of a few items in the bathroom. Then, and this is non-negotiable, I head to the kitchen to brew some coffee. On the mornings where I’m in a rush, I will use the drip machine because of its ease and speed. But if there’s a bit of tim…

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Like Us

Greetings friends! The blog took a bit of a break during November, but we’re back to celebrate this season of waiting and anticipation together in Advent. Thanks for tuning in! I mentioned in my Spire article this month that in that barn in Bethlehem so many years ago, Jesus Christ showed up as God’s way of being like us. I thought that was something that deserved a little bit of unpacking. And for…

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Experiencing Jesus in the Grocery Store

I don't know why, but the grocery store can often bring out the absolute worst in me. I've narrowed it down to a couple of things that could be wrong: 1) I am an introvert, and there is simply no time of day that the grocery store is not crowded. Loving people have suggested different times to try to swing by when it will be "less busy," but it's always busy. I always have to be around…

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Experiencing Jesus in Prayer

“Why do you Presbyterians pray with your eyes open?” I had never heard a question like that before, but my friend meant it honestly and curiously. He had noticed as he had been hanging out in our little church in my hometown that everyone seemed to offer their prayers with their eyes open, rather than closing them and folding their hands like he was used to. It was a little bit of a mystery to me,…

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Piece by Piece (Nicole Cain)

Even the best of us can admit that, at one time or another, we have been selfish. For many, if not all, this started as a result of a basic stage in human development usually reached by those three and four year olds who walk the streets like they have the whole world in their hands. While all of us start out this way in life, many of us find humility in one way or another, and learn to embrace…

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