Make Like a Tree: Timber

This is the fifth post in a 5-post series entitled, “Make Like a Tree.” Feel free to check out each of the posts! The word legacy shows up with some frequency in our world, though I’m not sure that it gets the respect that it should. In my experience, legacy is something of a concern for many of us; what we are going to leave behind when we are gone is on the forefront of many of our minds. This is, i…

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Don't Hold On

Have you ever had a conversation with a friend that was going in a predictable direction, and then all of a sudden they said something so out of character you were at a loss for words? It can stop you in your tracks. Your brain was all set to walk in a particular direction, and then your friend pulled a U-turn at mach 3. “I think the Penguins have a really great shot at winning the cup this y…

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Make Like a Tree: Leaves

This is the fourth post in a 5-post series entitled, “Make Like a Tree.” Feel free to check out each of the posts! Last week we talked about our “branches,” or the goals we strive for and the ways that we reach out into the world. This week we’ll look at our leaves – the way we choose to express and present ourselves. I think, before we move too deeply into today’s topic, it is important to reiterate a p…

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The Most Important Gardener Ever

When we left the story of the resurrection last week, we left it in a bit of chaos. There was a footrace. We’re not sure who won really. Suddenly the body is gone, and the disciples (who had incidentally been warned that this was coming) are confused and scared. Mary Magdalene was there, in fact the first to discover the empty tomb and tell the other disciples about it. Our story picks up with h…

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Make Like a Tree: Branches

This is the third post in a 5-post series entitled, “Make Like a Tree.” Feel free to check out each of the posts! Last week’s post was about our “trunk,” or our core values and beliefs that make up our identity and the person that we present to the world on an everyday basis. This week we’ll look at our “branches.” Our identity and the values that we choose to embrace tend to be the main drivers behind our goal…

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